

Solvent for the root canal desobturation

High efficiency unsealing. The presence of the surfactant facilitates the penetration of the solvent into the recesses and cavities. Contains flavoring flavor



For softening and desobturation of the root canals sealed with the phenol, formalin, and formaldehyde resins.


• High efficiency unsealing.

• The presence of the surfactant facilitates the penetration of the solvent into the recesses and cavities.

• Contains flavoring flavor.


Desobturation of the canals is performed by combined chemical action of Jen-Desobturat with mechanical reaming:
Clean out the pulp chamber and canal orifice.
Place a drop of Jen-Desobturat into the canal orifice.
Desobturate the canal using a broach. After extraction out of the canal clean and put the tip of instrument into the Jen-Desobturat solution. Repeat the procedure step by step till the apex is reached.
Supplementary indications ?
Dry thoroughly the canal treated with JEN-DESOBTURAT before filling by formalin/formaldehyde cement.


Avoid contact with eyes and minimize contact with oral soft tissue. If accidental contact with eye occurs, flush immediately with large amount of water.


Jen-Desobturat in a bottle of 9 ml


Jen Dental


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