Jen-Radiance Molar


Highly Filled LC Composite for posterior teeth

Jen-Radiance Molar is a light-cured, radiopaque fluoride-containing composite restorative material. It is intended for sealing of I and II class cavities. The material Jen-Radiance Molar possesses high degree of transparency and very low shrinkage at polymerization (1.63%) which makes it possible to draw it by layers up to 5 mm thick with the minimum polymerization stress. The material is very soft, can be perfectly modelled and it also adapts in a cavity, filling all roughnesses. It doesn’t stick to a dental instrument.



• The high filler content of material (82%) provided by a new formula of a bimodal filler with an average size of particles: the main X-ray contrast phase – up to 8 microns; a nanophase – 10-30 nanometers.

• It can be perfectly combined with all types of opaque and enamel composite materials based on methacrylate intended for esthetic modeling of enamel surfaces.

• Low polymerization shrinkage (less than 1.63%) is especially important when a dentist seals big cavities in one visit.

• Good manual qualities – the material is very soft and plastic and doesn’t stick to the tool.

• The Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) is very close to tooth tissue – 24 x 10 – 6 cm / cm oC that provides the absence of thermal stresses in the restored tooth, which can appear during the meal (“hot-cold”).

• High physical characteristics of the material, in particular:

• Flexural Strength – 120 MPa.

• Compression Strength – 270 MPa.

• It is manufactured in a universal transparent shade – U for ensuring the maximum depth of polymerization.

• Not cured material has the increased resistance to natural and artificial lighting that allows to carry out long modeling without risk of premature polymerization of the material.

• The material is radiopaque and contains fluorine.


• As a replacing dentin basic layer of a composite material in I and II classes direct restorations;

• In “sandwich” technique;

• For crown buildup.

ATTENTION! Jen-Radiance Molar should be covered with final layer of regular composite!


Jen-Radiance Molar is packed in 4 g syringes:

• Shades: A1, A2, A3, U (Universal).


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