Jen LC-Flow


Flowable Light-Cured Composite for multipurpose use

Suitable for restoring eroded, damaged, discolored and structurally deficient tooth enamel, acrylic veneers and minor defects in porcelain veneers. Also suitable for cementing fabricated laminate veneers. A new highly polishable restorative/cement which offers the handling convenience of light-cured materials combined with outstanding esthetics, color stability, durability and versatility



• Fluidity which allows to put material directly into the cavity from a syringe.

• High modulus of elasticity in combination with adhesive properties ensures a high marginal integrity.

• The ability to fully adapt to the cavity and filling all-pits allows you to create the perfect adaptation layer when filling with hybrid composites.

• High degree of adhesion with etching enamel allows to work with small enamel defects without bonding systems.

• The composite is polished to a brilliant shine.

• High color stability and durability.

• A wide range of shades.

• May be cured with any dental curing instrument operating in the visible wavelength range.


• Immediate restoration of enamel defects (white and tetracycline stains, erosion, discoloration, etc.) With minimal dissection of the tooth or without dissection.

• Covering discolored surfaces of the front teeth and amalgam restorations (Jen-LC Flow UO Universal Opaquer).

• Filling of cavities class V.

• Esthetic correction of restorations carried out by hybrid composites.

• Masking and damping lining under composite.

• A finish layer of composite fillings with a high degree of polishability.

• Repair defects of ceramic and acrylic veneers.

• Cementation of laminate veneers.

• Fixing splinting systems.


Syringes 3 g of A1, A2, A3, A3.5, A4, B2, B3, С3, I, UO, GUM with delivery tips
Kits: 4 х 3 g (А2, А2, А3, А3) with delivery tips
4 х 3 g (А2, А3, I, UO) with delivery tips
4 х 3 g (А2, А3, В2, UO) with delivery tips


Jen Dental


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