

Calci-Jen is a radiopaque water based calcium hydroxide paste for pulp capping and temporary intra-canal dressing

35% Calcium Hydroxide Water Based Paste. Designed to protect the pulp and temporary root canal filling. Fine particle distribution of Calci-Jen paste allows it to penetrate easily even into smallest tubulas of root canals



• Indirect pulp capping for the pulp protection.

• Direct pulp capping when the pulp is exposed or a pulpotomy is performed.

• Lining of cavities to prevent contact with the acid media when using cements.

• As temporary and intermediate intra-canal dressing.

• Can be used for treatment of Periapical Cysts, Abscesses, Lesions, Root Resorptions and Apexifications.


• 35% Calcium Hydroxide Water Based Paste.

• Designed to protect the pulp and temporary root canal filling. Fine particle distribution of CALCI-JEN paste allows it to penetrate easily even into smallest tubulas of root canals.

• Radiopaque.

• Accurate and easy application of the material.

• pH > 12.


For Cavity Lining and Indirect Pulp Capping:

It can stimulate the formation of sclerotic and secondary dentin and protects the pulp against thermal and chemical shock and dehydration.
Clean and dry the cavity thoroughly. Fit a delivery tip on the CALCI-JEN syringe. Apply CALCI-JEN paste in thin layers until the desired area is covered. Allow layer to dry with an air blower. Do not apply to the enamel cavity edges and remove any paste residual sticking to them. Then proceed with lining and subsequent restoration.


For Direct Pulp Capping:

CALCI-JEN is applied directly on the pulp in all pulp capping, pulpotomy and pulp-involved curettage procedures. It stimulates the pulp to form a new dentin bridge which becomes visible clinically after 2 – 3 months.
Apply a very thin film of CALCI-JEN on all exposed dentin and dry with an air blower. Place a bead of CALCI-JEN about 3 mm of thickness directly over the exposed pulp and dry with a slow flow of air until a surface crust appears. Take care that CALCI-JEN does not set hard. Gently seal the paste with a cotton pellet to make sure it is in contact with the pulp. Place a thin layer of hard setting cement (GI cements are preferred) over CALCI-JEN. After cement hardens, place final restoration.


Note: For pulpotomy and pulpal curettage procedures, treat pulp gently with appropriate hemostatic solution until blood clots, clean the area with appropriate bacteriostatic solution (like chlorhexidine bigluconate solution) and then proceed as above. A local anesthetic may be used.


For Endodontic Treatment Dressing:

First prepare and clean the root-canal (for example, using 3% hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite solutions) and insert CALCI-JEN paste using a Lentulo or by using a special root delivery tips. Then insert the filling. It is recommended to control the root-canal sealing by radiograph. CALCI-JEN can be used as a dressing for the cysts, abscesses, lesions, etc. Also can be used for apexification and other hard tissue formation procedures. Close the syringe cap immediately after use.


Post-operative sensitivity: if the root-canal is overfilled (the excess of material is beyond of apex), discomfort may result (sensitivity to pressure and/or swelling) but, as a rule the symptoms disappear within 24 – 48 hours.


2 ml syringe with delivery tips



Jen Dental


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